Angelina Jolie is back in her avatar of 'Tomb Raider'. No, I am not talking about the pouting beauty's upcoming film, but the game 'Tomb Raider Underworld'. Inspired from a movie of the same name minus the word 'Underworld' (although, 'Underworld' too was a Hollywood film about vampires which starred 'Kate Beckinsale') which had the Brad Pitt's present better-half playing the lead, this game vouchsafes the player to delve into the deep dark world of the 'Lara Croft, the Tomb Raider'.
Like the film too, 'Tomb Raider Underworld' game too has added a whole new chapter to the gaming world, but with a difference. Yes, strictly meant for players dying to experience the lethal combination of thrill and action in one single attempt, 'Tomb Raider Underworld' surpasses every set of expectations of its players with ease. Like the name suggests, this time the backdrop of the game is bit more dark and more realistic. However, the background locations and graphics used are A-grade. The level of graphic violence too seems quite surrealistic, which definitely is a better sign for the gaming industry.
Acts like acrobatic manoeuvres, racing on bike through the outdoor locales like temples, snowy temples and underwater diving are something that beside flummoxing players, emerges as high points of this stunning game. Even the challenges are new and so are the situations that keeps players on the edge of their seat. Lara as a suave gaming character excels in every department, whether it is about exuding sexiness or portraying her impressive athletic ability in overcoming the challenges. Unsteady cam effect with a 'film' like photography is simply amazing and keeps players riveted throughout their outing in the centre as 'Lara'. A marked improvement from its predecessor version, 'Tomb Raider Underworld' comes out as a complete action game that has the much-needed panache.
The fact that many Online gaming portals have given highly positive games' reviews about this game is more than enough to judge its worthiness for a gamer, who does not like to reconsider his purchase decision, related with this game. This clearly speaks much about the popularity of this game among the gamers fraternity.
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